navigation are the words up there (:
the four lines up therreeeee! :D
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you're the reason that she breathes. - links &archives
Welcome to my sanctuary,
don't like what you read?
not my problem(:
go on and click that cross button in the top right corner
other than that please enjoy (:
»__ ьвч Stчℓυѕ; мz.juLi℮e ♥
`why is it, the moment you turn around to leave, it seems like you've forgotten my heart is on your sleeve...

Known as Juliee
18 years young
she smells of Princess by Vera Wang
She loves shoes, friends, anything sweet, and absolutely adores her hubby Allen
She's scared of people leaving her
She's learning to love herself.
she's trying to believe that she's lovely on the inside.
and thats her story<33
Him & her<3

I love you<3

Julie loves Allen <3
ever thine
ever mine
ever ours
sweet boy, i just wanna be your fantasy<3
Thursday, January 14, 2010 @ 2:02 PM
yes i have neglected my blog yet again ==" anyways, it's finally 2010! this means a new year a new start! _______________________________________________________________________________________
So when school's out, what do we do? we immediately answer to the urge to go out and have fun with friends (: that means : - beaching it - party hard - getting smashed - acting crazy - being you - and just having fun!

Me and allen at formal (:
 we came by a lovely sky while driving.
ultimate failed luvo D:

Me and angel
 tony and i
The rest are on facebook which im too lazy to put here (:
Well 2009 has been a hectic year with ups and down making it crazy. I can't help but wonder, if life was so smooth flowing would it be just as interesting? would it be better than feeling pain and an uncontrollable amounts of joy, tears and laughter?
I know for me, It's been tough. I cam across a pain that i will never forget but am learning to forget because i know what we have is special and that it shouldn't be thrown away. As problems come and go, i realise that each and every situation is like a test to measure our love. cause when it comes down to it, how much are you willing to sacrifice? how much are you willing to forgive? how much can you take before you break? who's there to pick you up? so many questions and only you and you alone can answer them. So what if you fall? just know that there are friends to pick you up and help you get back on your feet to get you moving along. 'Cause fairy tales don't exist, 'cause in reality you have to get up and keep on walking with you're head up high.
To my special somebody, Its been two years. i never thought we'd make it this far. From the first time i saw you i knew you were gonna be so special to me. After everything we've been through... im happy to say that i'm still loving you. Maybe it's written in the stars for us to be together. you're my everything babe. nothing can come between us... 'cause everything we come across is just a hurdle. we can jump over anything. i love you<3
Oh and check out our couple rings (:

heres to a new year! let's have an epic 2010! (:
much love,
by post:
» Long time no Type.<3
» life<3
» I'd give my all for your love <33
» ``And I can't take it no more, i'm getting sick an...
» ``i still love you, even more so than before, I wo...
» ``how could someone make me so sad, but still i on...
» ``why is it, the moment you turn around to leave, ...
» you complete me<3
» Maybe-- just a hopeful word.</3
» intermission``thoughts...
by month:
» November 2008
» December 2008
» January 2009
» February 2009
» October 2009
» January 2010
» February 2010
» March 2010
» April 2010
» May 2011
» June 2011
» July 2011
» October 2011
» January 2012