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»__ ьвч Stчℓυѕ; мz.juLi℮e ♥
`why is it, the moment you turn around to leave, it seems like you've forgotten my heart is on your sleeve...

Known as Juliee
18 years young
she smells of Princess by Vera Wang
She loves shoes, friends, anything sweet, and absolutely adores her hubby Allen
She's scared of people leaving her
She's learning to love herself.
she's trying to believe that she's lovely on the inside.
and thats her story<33
Him & her<3

I love you<3

Julie loves Allen <3
ever thine
ever mine
ever ours
Maybe-- just a hopeful word.3
Sunday, November 30, 2008 @ 4:42 PM
In life, there are always goods and bads. sometimes a trust is often betrayed, but if the bond between those people is strong enough, the trust will still remain, and only continue to grow stronger, to lend a help in hand each time one is down. And it's a wonder how life would be if we didn't have those kind of friends to be there for you to help you anytime they can.
However, it is still a wonder, if as an outsider- a couple that includes his/her best mate, that the outsider's best mate has changed from spending time with the gorup to putting all their effort and time in the one they love instead. Is it right for them to feel as thought their friend is harder to approach? And if so, should that person break that couple apart? Just so that their selfish request could be accomplished.
And so, the girl/guy of the couple hears about this, is it right for them to think they're the problem? so should they solve it by shrinking away from their partner so he or she could be happy along with their friends. or should he/she be selfish and keep them form having time with their friends? What if the partner tagged along, but didn't really mix into the group, what then? so, should that partner put in all the effort to try and make their partner happy, no matter how much it kills them or hurts them.
I really don't understand.. shouldn't friends understand one another? so in that case, shouldn't they understand that their friend is currently taken, as they are not a single person anymore, to do the things they used to do... Maybe, it'd be better if that guy, had a life without her... Yeh just maybe...
However, what if they had the feeling that without their partner, they feel they would die? and what if, they wanted to stay together, what if it was actually the person's choice to hang out with their partner or not... what then?
In life, these days... Things are complicated. things are misunderstood. and jugdements is what your popularity relies on.
Problems come and go... but each time it's solved it just feels all the more better. Maybe, life has to have its own dramas, to shape each and every person in this universe. just maybe...
"maybe"-- a hopeful word.
When hopes are up, wishes are granted. When wishes aren't granted, hopes are shattered
well that's all for now. <3juliee
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