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»__ ьвч Stчℓυѕ; мz.juLi℮e ♥
`why is it, the moment you turn around to leave, it seems like you've forgotten my heart is on your sleeve...

Known as Juliee
18 years young
she smells of Princess by Vera Wang
She loves shoes, friends, anything sweet, and absolutely adores her hubby Allen
She's scared of people leaving her
She's learning to love herself.
she's trying to believe that she's lovely on the inside.
and thats her story<33
Him & her<3

I love you<3

Julie loves Allen <3
ever thine
ever mine
ever ours
``and nothing will ever change our love.<33
Saturday, November 15, 2008 @ 9:16 PM
It's funny how things start at an all time low... and ends up really good. It's funny how you think it's the end of the world , when it's not. Somehow, during these pass few weeks it felt like something was eating me up inside, dragging my soul and heart out into the world, to be stomped on. The pain, the hurt, so indescribable... And, when waking up and going to school as per usual suddenly seemed so hard, i wonder how i even ended up going to a whole day of school. The depression that was in me seemed so unmendable... and how stupid was i to not even think that our love was unbreakable... A whole day with him is the best thing, it can push a lifetime of pain away... i can forget everything when i'm with him. And it's funny, how he can lift all this weight off my shoulders with just simple words that melt my heart into ease. And it's times like these, that in this kind of love, you can still really trust everything is going to be alright. And it's times like these, that with those feelings being so good you feel so at ease with him. Finally, it's times like these one pro will weigh out all the con's... and that's when you know, you are definitely in love with him... that you are willing to trust, believe and love all over again. No matter what stands in your way, you'll conquer it all, together, always and forever.
That's when you know, that for sure, you are deeply in love with him... and nothing will ever change that.<33
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