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»__ ьвч Stчℓυѕ; мz.juLi℮e ♥
`why is it, the moment you turn around to leave, it seems like you've forgotten my heart is on your sleeve...

Known as Juliee
18 years young
she smells of Princess by Vera Wang
She loves shoes, friends, anything sweet, and absolutely adores her hubby Allen
She's scared of people leaving her
She's learning to love herself.
she's trying to believe that she's lovely on the inside.
and thats her story<33
Him & her<3

I love you<3

Julie loves Allen <3
ever thine
ever mine
ever ours
Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 11:16 AM
It seems like things are still so-so.... well with me. I'm very sick! ><" i feel like shit ><" hmms.. i can't help but to always go back to "that" memory, and yes, everything has been getting better, but pictures just won't get out of my head, i don't know why i'm like this... And i think... if i tell him, it's just gonna ruin everything that we've worked on up til now. How can i take her away from him... how can i separate them...? all very bad thoughts, that i try to not think of, yet it just pops up in my head involuntarily. it's the worst feeling ever. I'm trying so hard, but nothings working... why does she have to call him out for? why does she have to meet him for? Doesn't she understand...? i wonder, if being nice to me, 'mending' things-if you could call it that, is just a way to get closer & closer to him? But then again, it's not just him, it's everyone else too, does she like ruining relationships? Maybe, she does it cause she's lonely... i can't help but wonder, why she does this. Does she realise the damage it might make, or have made? I understand that she has her own problems, however, everyone has their own problems, you don't see them running off, calling out other people's boyfriends o.O" nonetheless, tleling them to stay out late, because you're staying out late... It's a no wonder why the image of chetaing get's into people's head.
Tell me this: IF ( emphasism intended) another guy starting calling me out, and asking me to stay out all night, and i was really close to them, and he needed me for comfort. And i actually meet him after telling my boyfriend that i'm just gonna hang with friends, or go home... to an outside person, i wonder if they would think that i was actually cheating on my boyfriend.
ALSO, what if i relied on him to take away all my anxiety, fears, and used his shoulder as support through my life instead of my own boyfriend. Not only that, but end up liking him for just a little bit of time...? And then, everything goes back to normal anyways, but i really do wonder, even if everything was back to normal... that if that guy kept calling me out anyways, and that those memories of those awful moments of my boyfriend's life, would he be worried? would he be paranoid, just like i am? would those painful memories be etched into his head, so hard to forget....
Well i guess that's all for now, except for the fact that taster week is over ( woot) and that i'm super super sick!
take care lahhs <33
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